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Welcome to OPD Blog Section, this section would have interesting articles about Managing an Ophthalmic Practice/ Business of Ophthalmology written by Experts.

If you would like to submit a Practice Development Blog Article Please mention :
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2) Author Name
3) Content less than 5000 words in word format.
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The Power of Collaboration

How to Collaborate in a Competitive world?

The Power of Collaboration

Collaborate Not Compete

Tough Times Create Strong Men

Tough times create strong men

Ideas- Ideas - Ideas

Do you have a great idea- read this blog

Business with a Personal Touch

Why is it Important to have a personal touch in every business- Adventures from Kashmir

Affordable Innovations in Ophthalmology for the Younger Generation

How Innovations can Change Ophthalmology Practice for Younger Generation

Life, Income and Clarity

Excellent Blog with Great Insight

Unlocking the Secrets of Optical Sales with Ophthall Understanding Your

Part 2

Unlocking the Secrets of Optical Sales with Ophthall Understanding Your

Unlocking the Secrets

Halwa and concept of Social Proof

What can we learn from a small halwa store in Thirunelveli

Create a Patient Base Before you start your Clinic/Hospital

This blog will outline the Importance of Creating a Customer Base before you start your Hospital

Start up Eye Clinic Consultancy Support

Setting up a Eye Clinic/ Hospital is a stressful job, Get the success of Ophthall Experts to make your start up journey easier

Mental Fluidity

A most important character we need to develop

Story of Salt, Chicken and Crane

This Story was published in Radhanath Swamis book " The Journey within"

Some Thoughts post Ophthall 2023 Conference and Workshops

Ophthall 2023 Conference and Workshops held on Aug 12 and 13, gave me some Insights

Ophthall 2023 Conference and Workshops -What Delegates Say?

Ophthall 2023- Conference and Woroshops- Thanking you all

Ophthall- Practice Development Bootcamp 2023

First announcement of Ophthall Practice Development Boot Camp @ Jim Corbett National Park Uttarakhand

3 Steps for a Successful Practice

Identify your strength and play the game

Monetising your Practice

The Blog Discussed on the pricing Strategies for Your Medical Practice

Ophthall- Ophthalmic Society of South Africa Conference March 2023

Attend this Event and also Explore the Beautiful Country of South Africa

My Reading List

Here is a list of Few Interesting Books, I would recommend for your Growth

Doctors and their Little Boxes

How can Doctors come out of their Boxes and become More fluid?

Do you think you are small and Uninfluential?

Many times when we are small we also think that we are uninfluential and cannot make any difference.

SOP for Dealing with Insurance Patients

Useful for all eye hospitals to provide to their staff when a insurance patient comes

Collaborative Practice In Ophthalmology

This blog will discuss on various collaborative avenues available for Indian Ophthalmologists

Sticking Around

Do we Quit or Stick Around when faced with difficulties in practice or Job?

Mergers and Acquisition in Ophthalmology

This Blog is touches upon one of the most important topics of Why mergers has not been that successful in Indian Ophthalmology

Lateral Thinking with Withered Technology and Ophthalmic Instruments

How Lateral Thinking with Withered Technology helps in Innovating Great Products

Be a Thinking Crow-Article-1

Ophthalmology Management Lessons from the story we heard from Grand Mother.

Are Doctors working for the Equipment Companies?

Many Ophthalmologists invest on Equipment's without having a financial understanding - This blog would provide insights on how to make a sensible equipment purchase decision

Will Doctors become like OLA Drivers due to Healthcare Aggregators?

Will Online Aggregators Obliterate the Small Healthcare Players and monopolize the Healthcare Market ?, lets analyse in this Blog

Lets not be Busy for sometime!

As Doctors, the most common thing we say is that we do not have time for anything, since we are always busy with Patients, Lets analyse what all we miss in life because of being busy always

Ophthalmologists and Back Pain

Back Pain is a very common issue faced by Ophthalmologists . This is a interesting discussion on selecting the right chair to avoid back pain

The man who started the First Mobile Eye Camp

Very interesting Blog on History of Eye Camps

Modular Operation Theatre

There are a Lot of doubts about what is a Perfect Operation Theatre for Ophthalmology- This blog will discuss about Modular OT for Ophthalmology

TPA and the Eye Surgeon

Very Interesting discussions on Handling Insurance TPAs

How to Calculate cost of a Ophthalmic Procedure Scientifically

How do you calculate the cost of a procedure to the customer ? Is there any formula for it ? Like OCT , or a surgical procedure !

Bull or Bear, win the Jallikattu

Very Nice Blog Written by a Paediatrician Explaining the Stock market

Setting up your Own Operation Theatre

Thinking of Setting up your own OT- Here are the pros and cons

Group Practice - Kolkotta Showing the way for Indian Ophthalmology

Showing the way for Ophthalmologists in India lets analyse the model of Netralayam Group Practice

Buying and Selling Preowned (Used) Medical Equipment’s- Things to Keep

This Blog will explain the process of Buying and selling of Preowned ( Used) medical Equipments

Do not Enter a Business which you do not Understand

We as Doctors tend to invest in Businesses which we do not understand - what are the risks?

Personal Finance for You and Me

How important is financial knowledge for Doctors? Interesting blog by Dr R V Murali- Orthodontist and Finance Mentor

Staying Positive During Corona Lockdown

A Very Interesting post during COVID times

Doctors Tax Related Queries Answered

Tax Related Queries Answered in a very simple manner by top Auditors

Choose Whose child you want to be?

Blog on Importance of choosing a Mentor as per Stoic Philosophy

Rent Payment During Covid- What does the Law Say?

Non Payment of Rent- Legal Implications during COVID

Telemedicine Practice Guidelines Salient points

Interesting Analysis of Telemedicine Practice Guidelines

Jumping the Curve in Ophthalmology

Very Interesting Concept which we have to follow to save our practices

Health and Financial Lessons By COVID- Final

Final Part of the blog by Dr Thirumalai Kolundhu

Health and Financial Lesson from COVID-Part 3

Not to Miss Financial management pearls written by a Doctor

Health and Financial Lessons By COVID- Part -2

Part-2 of this Interesting Blog Series

Health and Financial Lessons By COVID

One Blog which you wished you had read earlier

Is your practice overstaffed?

Nice Blog to Rethink the Staffing Pattern in our practices

Academics of a Pandemic

Insights from Corporate Eye Care Sector

Ethical Marketing of Ophthalmic Practices

Interesting Blog on How to Market Practices Etically

Survival tool kit for ophthalmic practices during difficult times:

Indian Journal of Ophthalmology Guest Editorial May 2020 Issue

Making a Smooth Transition From Solo to Group-Practice

Convert your solo practice to group practice- insights from US models

Corona Virus: What Now? What Next?

How to survive the Corona Virus Impact on your Ophthalmology Practice?

Bouncing Back After COVID Lockdown - Keeping our Patients and

This Blog describes the steps Individual practice can take to remain safe after the lockdown,

Balancing Between Health and Economy in a Covid-19 Pandemic Situation-

Views from a Ophthalmic Private Practitioner as to how to balance between Health and Economy

Organise a Ophthall Event

Interested to Organise a Ophthall Event in your town, read this blog for all informations

Collaborative Practice in Medicine

This blog will outline the principles of collaboration and How we should think everyone as a collaborator and not competitor

Thinking Out of the Box in Medicine

How Thinking out of the Box can improve our Medical practice?

Handling Negative Online Patient Reviews

Patient has posted a negative review- do not worry- this post will let u know how to handle it.