This Story was published in Radhanath Swamis book " The Journey Within" I have modified it for our Members

A Young Ophthalmology Intern asked me, what Qualities do I need to succeed in Ophthalmology Practice and be happy in life ?

I asked him to travel 400 Kms to reach my mentor- Dr Bhattacharya- and he will give you a better answer

The Intern travelled to Dr Bhattacharya, and asked him the question, Dr Bhattacharya said, you be in my OPD and work here and I shall let u know

6 Months passed by- the Intern started loosing patience and went and asked Dr Bhattacharya , He said, today there is rural camp, you go there and see patients, there were 1000s of patients and the intern had to work very had to see the patients, 

Again during the end of the camp the Intern asked -the same Question - What Qualities do I need to succeed ?

Dr Bhattacharya said I will answer your question now " You need to be like salt, like a chicken and like a crane and Like you to  succeed in Life"

Intern got frustrated and came back to me- I asked him what did Dr Bhattacharya say

" I need to be like salt, Like a chicken and Like a Crane and myself"- Answered the intern

I laughed and started Explaining

" Salt- You need to be like salt, Salt is a symbol of balance, too much or too less of it will spoil it, hence you need to maintain balance in life to succeed, also though salt is the most important item of any dish, no one gives credit to the salt, though no one praises the salt, it keeps doing its work, so you should do your work without expecting any credit. Finally salt also looses its form and merges into the dish, this is a example of having no ego and merging into the work and the world- all these qualities we learn from the salt"

" Chicken- You need to be like chicken- people always compare you to Peacock, Nightingale etc, and no one compares you with Chicken- no one says you need to be like a Chicken, Chicken has a very interesting quality of identifying the seeds from the dust, separating good from the bad. Hence you should develop this quality of not seeing the bad in people, but identifying the goodness each one has. Only powerless people complain and abuse others to show they are powerful, hence be like a Chicken"

" Crane- You need to be like a Crane- Crane stands in one leg with patience, watching the water pass by, and lets go of all small fishes, to wait for the large fish, once the large fish comes, the crane catches it - you should be like a crane to allow small problems in life pass by with focus on your goal to catch the large fish, if you keep thinking about small problems, you cannot reach the goals you have for yourself in life"

Finally you should be like yourself- you dont have to imitate anyone or be like anyone else, I know you are a hardworking person, hence you should continue with your own good qualities.

The young intern seemed to have understood the words of the master.

This story created a lot of Impact in me and hence thought of sharing it with you

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